Couples Counselling

We understand life has its ups and downs and relationships can sometimes be tough. It’s normal for issues to arise throughout the course of a relationship and couples can find it difficult to resolve these on their own. This may stem from poor communication skills or perhaps a desire to avoid conflict. Following a betrayal, couples may not know how or where to start mending the relationship.

When to Seek Couples Counselling

Many people think a marriage or relationship has to be completely "broken" before they would consider couples counselling. But there are many situations in which couples may benefit from seeking assistance to better their relationship. Some of these may include:

  • Poor Communication
    (eg. Excessive Arguing)

  • Betrayal or Breaking of Trust

  • Financial Concerns

  • Disagreements
    (eg. Household Responsibilities/Expectations)

  • Intimacy Issues

  • Parenting Challenges

  • Life Transitions
    (eg. Moving Home, Retirement or Job Loss)

What to Expect in Couples Counselling

Some couples may be reluctant to seek couples counselling as they’re unsure what to expect. A major advantage of this type of counselling is that each partner can express their feelings and thoughts in a safe and unbiased environment.

Sessions are mediated so both people are given an opportunity to speak, be heard and to express what’s really going on for them. This can often be difficult at home, where emotions and all of life’s distractions can create barriers to effective communication.

Some things you can expect to gain from couples counselling include:

  • Learning new ways to communicate with each other

  • Developing a better understanding of your partner

  • Tools and strategies to break destructive patterns or habits

  • Skills to regain trust in your relationship

  • Identifying your unique needs and wants

  • Learning to enjoy your partner again

Eleisha Legg and Wal Kiris currently offer Couples Counselling at Sutherland Psychology. If you or your partner feel Couples Counselling may be helpful or you have questions about the process and would simply like further information, please get in touch.