Cognitive & Learning Assessments

At Sutherland Psychology we provide cognitive and learning assessments for children and adults who want to better understand their intellectual capacity and learning needs.

Cognitive Assessments

A Cognitive Assessment (also known as an IQ test) measures a person’s cognitive (thinking) abilities. This type of assessment measures verbal and non-verbal reasoning, mental processing speed, short and long-term memory, and auditory and visual processing. It does not measure reading, writing or mathematical ability. A Cognitive Assessment gives an IQ score, providing an indication of a person’s intellectual potential and capacity for learning.

By identifying strengths and weaknesses, valuable insights are provided that assist in the creation of personalised learning strategies. Cognitive Assessments are often completed for school students, enabling teachers and parents to tailor their approach and create more effective and supportive learning environments that enhance educational outcomes.

Cognitive Assessments can be administered from the ages of 2 to 99 years.

A Cognitive Assessment is used for:

  • General IQ testing

  • Identifying a person’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses

  • Identifying gifted and talented students

  • Diagnosing intellectual disabilities

  • Assessing cognitive abilities, such as memory, mental processing speed, and attention

Learning Assessments

If you have concerns about your child’s academic progress, you may be interested in a Learning Assessment. This assessment combines two separate tests—an IQ test, as outlined above, plus a test of academic achievement (reading, writing and mathematics). Learning Assessments are suitable for both adults and children, starting from 7 years of age.

Learning Assessments are used to identify academic strengths and weaknesses and evaluate a student’s academic ability relative to their cognitive ability (IQ). This type of assessment is used to diagnose learning difficulties such as Dyslexia (reading), Dysgraphia (writing) and Dyscalculia (maths). Learning Assessments are invaluable to teachers when creating individual learning plans and implementing interventions that improve a student’s academic performance and confidence.

A Learning Assessment is used for:

  • Diagnosis of learning difficulties, including Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia 

  • Evaluating academic achievement relative to intellectual potential

Assessment Process

Call or email our office to book a 30-minute consultation with a Psychologist to discuss your assessment needs. The Psychologist will ask questions about your child’s learning history and current situation and can recommend which type of assessment will be most suited to your needs.

For a Cognitive Assessment, the Psychologist will book a 2 hour testing session for you and/or your child to attend. It is recommended the assessment take place first thing in the morning—usually 9am—when people tend to be at their most alert.

For a Learning Assessment, the Psychologist will book two 2 hour testing sessions for you and/or your child to attend.

After testing sessions are completed, you’ll be invited to schedule a feedback session to discuss the assessment results and answer any questions you may have.

You will also receive a detailed written report of the assessment results, including recommendations for interventions and strategies to support optimal learning.

Bronwyn Severino and Rachel Collins currently offer Cognitive & Learning Assessments at Sutherland Psychology. If you feel a Cognitive & Learning Assessment may be helpful or you have questions about the process and would simply like further information, please get in touch.