Wal Kiris
B.Sc. (AppliedPsych), MAPS

With nearly 35 years experience counselling adolescents and adults, Wal has the skills and experience to assist with a range of issues, problems and concerns.
Wal approaches his clients with a holistic perspective, which is particularly relevant to recent research showing the importance of lifestyle factors on mood and wellbeing. His specialties include treatment of trauma using EMDR, Ericksonian Hypnosis and adolescent problems and exam stress.
Wal also specialises in the Rock and Water training for adolescents. This innovative psycho-physical program helps adolescents to build resilience and emotional strength. For more information on this program visit rockandwater.com.au.
Wal primarily offers after hours appointments but can provide day appointments by special arrangement. Wal offers both face to face and Telehealth appointments.
Wal is a registered provider for Better Access (Medicare).