Edwina Birch
Clinical Psychologist
B.Sc(Hons), M.A.(Hons)(ClinPsych), MAPS
Edwina is a Clinical Psychologist, experienced in diagnosing and treating a wide variety of psychological conditions. She has a person centered approach, focusing on developing a strong therapeutic alliance and helping clients improve the quality of their lives. What is important is relieving their distress, not merely their symptoms. As a family therapist of many years standing she works with a family perspective, understanding the strengths as well as the pressures that come from being a member of a family.
Edwina’s special interest is in treating trauma, and neurodevelopmental conditions, especially ADHD and high functioning Autism in adults. She was part of the group writing the Australian Evidence Based Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD and is a member of the Australian ADHD Professionals Association.
Edwina is available Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, offering a combination of face to face and Telehealth appointments. She offers Telehealth only appointments on Tuesdays, including some after hours availability.
Edwina is a registered provider for Better Access (Medicare) and NDIS participants.